Voting on governance actions
- Payment key pair
- Address with funds
- CC hot, DRep OR stake pool keys
- A SanchoNet node
To vote on governance actions, follow this process:
- Obtain the action ID of an ongoing governance action from Discord or query the governance state.
- Determine your voting stance; engage in discussion if required
- Construct your vote file through the Cardano CLI. The example below demonstrates voting
, although options for--no
are also available.
Verify the content of the governance action
Assume that we have been given the action ID df58f714c0765f3489afb6909384a16c31d600695be7e86ff9c59cf2e8a48c79#0
for a new constitution proposal.
- Obtain the URL and hash of the new constitution proposal from the governance state:
cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | \
jq -r --arg govActionId "df58f714c0765f3489afb6909384a16c31d600695be7e86ff9c59cf2e8a48c79" '.proposals | to_entries[] | select(.value.actionId.txId | contains($govActionId)) | .value'
"action": {
"contents": [
"anchor": {
"dataHash": "5d372dca1a4cc90d7d16d966c48270e33e3aa0abcb0e78f0d5ca7ff330d2245d",
"url": ""
"tag": "NewConstitution"
"actionId": {
"govActionIx": 0,
"txId": "df58f714c0765f3489afb6909384a16c31d600695be7e86ff9c59cf2e8a48c79"
"committeeVotes": {
"keyHash-c8ac605b25d6084c2ceb28043c8f01b62629966d038a249c7847d66d": "VoteYes",
"keyHash-d13507f7e7fb8ac3ce2094187c9d99d4601021e9ef5a5f310567765d": "VoteYes"
"dRepVotes": {
"keyHash-16faaf6daa2635bbf53bbbaf38b3a6040adf7ced2f7f08952592cf5b": "VoteYes",
"keyHash-57cb90cfb635e76af648abf1b6a91519218a5919b3cba2527e3725d1": "VoteYes",
"keyHash-7d84808d563f0f258ad7e4337c2c4bd13010930ebdf7b86c3bfd9ef8": "VoteYes"
"deposit": 0,
"expiresAfter": 80,
"proposedIn": 78,
"returnAddr": {
"credential": {
"keyHash": "f925cbd4eb78aad49ec7bf9b4ddfa4cc4486c967e392699d143c81aa"
"network": "Testnet"
"stakePoolVotes": {}
- Download the file from the URL registered on the ledger state:
wget -O constitution.txt
- Verify that the hash of the file matches the
from the ledger state:
b2sum -l 256 constitution.txt
5d372dca1a4cc90d7d16d966c48270e33e3aa0abcb0e78f0d5ca7ff330d2245d constitution.txt
Everything is in order; the text at the URL matches the dataHash, confirming that the text at the URL is precisely what we are voting for.
In the future, voting apps, explorers, wallets, and other tools could perform the filtering, ensuring that they only display actions whose URL content has been verified against the hash on the ledger state.
Create the vote file
- Vote with DRep keys:
cardano-cli conway governance vote create \
--yes \
--governance-action-tx-id "df58f714c0765f3489afb6909384a16c31d600695be7e86ff9c59cf2e8a48c79" \
--governance-action-index "0" \
--drep-verification-key-file drep.vkey \
- Vote with CC hot keys:
cardano-cli conway governance vote create \
--yes \
--governance-action-tx-id "df58f714c0765f3489afb6909384a16c31d600695be7e86ff9c59cf2e8a48c79" \
--governance-action-index "0" \
--cc-hot-verification-key-file cc-hot.vkey \
- Vote with SPO keys:
cardano-cli conway governance vote create \
--yes \
--governance-action-tx-id "df58f714c0765f3489afb6909384a16c31d600695be7e86ff9c59cf2e8a48c79" \
--governance-action-index "0" \
--cold-verification-key-file cold.vkey \
Include the vote in a transaction
- Build the transaction:
cardano-cli conway transaction build --testnet-magic 4 \
--tx-in "$(cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat payment.addr) --testnet-magic 4 --out-file /dev/stdout | jq -r 'keys[0]')" \
--change-address $(cat payment.addr) \
--vote-file \
--witness-override 2 \
--out-file vote-tx.raw
- Sign it with the DRep key:
cardano-cli conway transaction sign --tx-body-file vote-tx.raw \
--signing-key-file drep.skey \
--signing-key-file payment.skey \
--testnet-magic 4 \
--out-file vote-tx.signed
- OR sign it with the CC hot key:
cardano-cli conway transaction sign --tx-body-file vote-tx.raw \
--signing-key-file cc-hot.skey \
--signing-key-file payment.skey \
--testnet-magic 4 \
--out-file vote-tx.signed
- OR sign it with the SPO cold key:
cardano-cli conway transaction sign --tx-body-file vote-tx.raw \
--signing-key-file cold.skey \
--signing-key-file payment.skey \
--testnet-magic 4 \
--out-file vote-tx.signed
- Submit the transaction:
cardano-cli conway transaction submit --testnet-magic 4 --tx-file vote-tx.signed