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Useful jq filters

'jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice, filter, map, and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text.'

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Below you will find some useful jq filters to parse the governance state.

Show governance actions that will expire at the end of the current epoch:

current_epoch=$(cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic 4 | jq .epoch)
cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 \
| jq --argjson epoch "$current_epoch" '.proposals
| to_entries[]
| select(.value.expiresAfter == $epoch)'

Show governance actions that were proposed in the current epoch:

current_epoch=$(cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic 4 | jq .epoch)
cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 \
| jq -r --argjson epoch "$current_epoch" '.proposals
| to_entries[]
| select(.value.proposedIn == $epoch)'

Sort governance actions by the number of DRep votes:

cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r '
| to_entries[]
| {govActionId: .value.actionId, type: .value.proposalProcedure.govAction.tag, drepVoteCount: (.value.dRepVotes | keys | length)}
' | jq -s 'sort_by(.voteCount) | reverse[]'

Sort by the number of SPO votes:

cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r '
| to_entries[]
| {govActionId: .value.actionId, type: .value.proposalProcedure.govAction.tag, spoVoteCount: (.value.stakePoolVotes | keys | length)}
' | jq -s 'sort_by(.voteCount) | reverse[]'

Sort by the number of CC votes:

cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r '
| to_entries[]
| {govActionId: .value.actionId, type: .value.proposalProcedure.govAction.tag, ccVoteCount: (.value.committeeVotes | keys | length)}
' | jq -s 'sort_by(.voteCount) | reverse[]'

Filter actions that expire within the current and the next two epochs, including information about all roles' votes, sorted by expiration epoch:

current_epoch=$(cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic 4 | jq .epoch)
cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r --argjson current_epoch "$current_epoch" '
| to_entries[]
| select(.value.expiresAfter >= ($current_epoch | tonumber) and .value.expiresAfter <= ($current_epoch + 2))
| {
govActionId: .value.actionId,
type: .value.proposalProcedure.govAction.tag,
expiresAfter: .value.expiresAfter,
committeeVotesCount: (.value.committeeVotes | length),
dRepVotesCount: (.value.dRepVotes | length),
stakePoolVotesCount: (.value.stakePoolVotes | length)
' | jq -s 'sort_by(.expiresAfter)'

Show actions for which a specific DRep key has voted, indicating the DRep's vote and the total number of votes received for this action:

Replace keyHash-0e7d17c8a917eaee361924d6471331128b3e0de5323f54d70dd0c8c9 with the hex DRep ID of your interest, if it is a script based DRRep, make sure to use scriptHash instead of keyHash prefix.

cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r --arg dRepKey "keyHash-0e7d17c8a917eaee361924d6471331128b3e0de5323f54d70dd0c8c9" '
| to_entries[]
| select(.value.dRepVotes[$dRepKey] != null)
| {
govActionId: .value.actionId,
type: .value.proposalProcedure.govAction.tag,
dRepVote: .value.dRepVotes[$dRepKey],
expiresAfter: .value.expiresAfter,
committeeVotesCount: (.value.committeeVotes | length),
dRepVotesCount: (.value.dRepVotes | length),
stakePoolVotesCount: (.value.stakePoolVotes | length)

Show actions where the given DRep key has not voted yet:

Replace 058b60ead63f667c0ff5b40e269dd1f05ce3a804256735ad4eddce20 with the hex DRep ID of your interest.

cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r --arg dRepKey "keyHash-0e7d17c8a917eaee361924d6471331128b3e0de5323f54d70dd0c8c9" '
| to_entries[]
| select(.value.dRepVotes[$dRepKey] == null)
| {
govActionId: .value.actionId,
type: .value.proposalProcedure.govAction.tag,
expiresAfter: .value.expiresAfter,
committeeVotesCount: (.value.committeeVotes | length),
dRepVotesCount: (.value.dRepVotes | length),
stakePoolVotesCount: (.value.stakePoolVotes | length)

Show the total number of 'yes', 'no', and 'abstain' votes for a given governance action ID:

Replace "1e08794a48b71ec7e48d3190c7c30455f9538d0e54f4087915ff201167334bc7" and "0" and with the governance action ID and index of your interest.

and .value.actionId.govActionIx == $actionIndex

cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 \
| jq -r --arg actionTxId "1e08794a48b71ec7e48d3190c7c30455f9538d0e54f4087915ff201167334bc7" --arg actionIndex "0" ' .proposals
| to_entries[]
| select(.value.actionId.txId == $actionTxId and .value.actionId.govActionIx == ($actionIndex | tonumber))
| {
govActionId: .value.actionId,
dRepVoteYesCount: (.value.dRepVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "VoteYes")) | length),
dRepVoteNoCount: (.value.dRepVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "VoteNo")) | length),
dRepAbstainCount: (.value.dRepVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "Abstain")) | length),
stakePoolVoteYesCount: (.value.stakePoolVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "VoteYes")) | length),
stakePoolVoteNoCount: (.value.stakePoolVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "VoteNo")) | length),
stakePoolAbstainCount: (.value.stakePoolVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "Abstain")) | length),
committeeVoteYesCount: (.value.committeeVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "VoteYes")) | length),
committeeVoteNoCount: (.value.committeeVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "VoteNo")) | length),
committeeAbstainCount: (.value.committeeVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "Abstain")) | length)

Show the active treasury withdrawal governance actions and their current vote count:

current_epoch=$(cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic 4 | jq .epoch)

cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r --arg currentEpoch "$current_epoch" '
| to_entries[]
| select(.value.expiresAfter > ($currentEpoch | tonumber) and .value.proposalProcedure.govAction.tag == "TreasuryWithdrawals")
| { type: .value.proposalProcedure.govAction.tag,
govActionId: .value.actionId,
expiresAfter: .value.expiresAfter,
dRepVoteYesCount: (.value.dRepVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "VoteYes")) | length),
dRepVoteNoCount: (.value.dRepVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "VoteNo")) | length),
dRepAbstainCount: (.value.dRepVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "Abstain")) | length),
committeeVoteYesCount: (.value.committeeVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "VoteYes")) | length),
committeeVoteNoCount: (.value.committeeVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "VoteNo")) | length),
committeeAbstainCount: (.value.committeeVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "Abstain")) | length)
' | jq -s 'sort_by(.expiresAfter)'

Show the active update committee governance actions and their current vote count:

current_epoch=$(cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic 4 | jq .epoch)

cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r --arg currentEpoch "$current_epoch" '
| to_entries[]
| select(.value.expiresAfter > ($currentEpoch | tonumber) and.value.proposalProcedure.govAction.tag == "UpdateCommittee")
| { type: .value.proposalProcedure.govAction.tag,
govActionId: .value.actionId,
expiresAfter: .value.expiresAfter,
dRepVoteYesCount: (.value.dRepVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "VoteYes")) | length),
dRepVoteNoCount: (.value.dRepVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "VoteNo")) | length),
dRepAbstainCount: (.value.dRepVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "Abstain")) | length),
stakePoolVoteYesCount: (.value.stakePoolVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "VoteYes")) | length),
stakePoolVoteNoCount: (.value.stakePoolVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "VoteNo")) | length),
stakePoolAbstainCount: (.value.stakePoolVotes | with_entries(select(.value == "Abstain")) | length)
' | jq -s 'sort_by(.expiresAfter)'