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Registering as a SanchoNet delegate representative (DRep)


  • Payment address with funds
  • A SanchoNet node

Generate SanchoNet DRep keys and an ID

  1. Generate a DRep key pair:
cardano-cli conway governance drep key-gen \
--verification-key-file drep.vkey \
--signing-key-file drep.skey
"type": "DRepSigningKey_ed25519",
"description": "Delegate Representative Signing Key",
"cborHex": "5820eba7053fdc9cb3b8aacf142d3d4ad575bb48fb92f4082d81605ac8e2ccfead5d"
"type": "DRepVerificationKey_ed25519",
"description": "Delegate Representative Verification Key",
"cborHex": "5820c19e0e939609531cfd04dcfa5bf1a5f3e245aa88e163759341aba296af34cc7e"
  1. Generate a SanchoNet DRep ID:
cardano-cli conway governance drep id \
--drep-verification-key-file drep.vkey \

Generate the registration certificate

  1. Create a SanchoNet DRep registration certificate

There are three ways to generate the certificate:

  • Using the drep.vkey file:
cardano-cli conway governance drep registration-certificate \
--drep-verification-key-file drep.vkey \
--key-reg-deposit-amt $(cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r .currentPParams.dRepDeposit) \
--out-file drep-register.cert
  • Using the DRep verification key:
cardano-cli conway governance drep registration-certificate \
--drep-verification-key "$(cat drep.vkey | jq -r .cborHex | cut -c 5-)" \
--key-reg-deposit-amt $(cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r .currentPParams.dRepDeposit) \
--out-file drep-register.cert
  • Using the DRep ID:
cardano-cli conway governance drep registration-certificate \
--drep-key-hash $(cat \
--key-reg-deposit-amt $(cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r .currentPParams.dRepDeposit) \
--out-file drep-register.cert

Any of the above methods produces drep-register.cert, which contains:

"type": "CertificateShelley",
"description": "DRep Key Registration Certificate",
"cborHex": "84108200581c555c5b537f552d885c1959c714282eb6ac06de5e2aee850c374d394e00f6"

Submit certificate in a transaction

  1. Submit the SanchoNet DRep registration certificate in a transaction.
  • Build:
cardano-cli conway transaction build \
--testnet-magic 4 \
--witness-override 2 \
--tx-in $(cardano-cli query utxo --address $(cat payment.addr) --testnet-magic 4 --out-file /dev/stdout | jq -r 'keys[0]') \
--change-address $(cat payment.addr) \
--certificate-file drep-register.cert \
--out-file tx.raw
  • Sign:
cardano-cli conway transaction sign \
--tx-body-file tx.raw \
--signing-key-file payment.skey \
--signing-key-file drep.skey \
--testnet-magic 4 \
--out-file tx.signed
  • Submit:
cardano-cli conway transaction submit \
--testnet-magic 4 \
--tx-file tx.signed