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Governance actions

Common aspects of all types of governance actions

A proposal is the process of putting together all the information required to submit a governance action to the chain. A proposal consists of:

  • A deposit
  • The reward account that will receive the deposit return
  • The governance action
  • An anchor

When using the cardano-cli to create a governance action, you will notice that it creates a proposal.

Deposit and stake credentials

Any ada holder can submit a governance action to the chain. They must provide a deposit, which will be returned when the action is finalized (whether it is ratified or has expired). To facilitate this process, the proposer must specify the stake credential that will receive the refunded deposit.

Previous governance action ID

To prevent unintended conflicts between governance actions of the same type, some governance actions must include the governance action ID of the most recently enacted action of its respective type. Notably, this requirement does not apply to treasury withdrawal and info governance actions.

You can get the last enacted governance action IDs with:

cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r .nextRatifyState.nextEnactState.prevGovActionIds
"Committee": {
"govActionIx": 0,
"txId": "fe2c99fe6bc75a9666427163d51ae7dbf5a60df40135361b7bfd53ac6c7912ec"
"Constitution": {
"govActionIx": 0,
"txId": "2bcf2a93cb840d72e6fbbad4d52419fa69a3971dee2e32fab414e32a44ecbaf7"
"HardFork": null,
"PParamUpdate": null

Please note that both the update committee and motion of no confidence actions share the same space, referred to as 'pgaCommittee,' within the governance state. Consequently, the governance state stores a single value to represent both of these actions. The system also verifies either of these actions against this single stored value.


When proposing a governance action, the proposer may employ an anchor, which comprises a URL hosting a document that outlines the rationale for the proposed changes, along with the document's hash.

The document at the URL can be of a free form. It's important that it should communicate to ada holders the what and the why of the proposal. This tutorial mostly uses '' as an example, see here for more details.

See CIP-100 | Governance Metadata and CIP-0108? | Governance Metadata - Governance Actions for standard. Following CIP-100, we canonize the metadata anchor first, via JSON-LD playground, which we then hash.

You can use cardano-cli to get the hash:

cardano-cli hash anchor-data --file-text treasury-withdrawal.canonical

Alternatively, utilize b2sum to hash the document:

b2sum -l 256 treasury-withdrawal.canonical
931f1d8cdfdc82050bd2baadfe384df8bf99b00e36cb12bfb8795beab3ac7fe5 treasury-withdrawal.canonical

You will need to supply the hash of the document when creating a governance action.

Update committee actions

Update committee to add a new CC member:

Assume you want to add three CC members, who have generated cold keys and have provided their key hashes:

  • 89181f26b47c3d3b6b127df163b15b74b45bba7c3b7a1d185c05c2de
  • ea8738081fca0726f4e781f5e55fda05f8745432a5f8a8d09eb0b34b
  • 7f6721067362d4ae9ca73469fe983ce5572dad9028386100104b0da0

You can create a proposal to add them as new CC members with an expiration epoch (--epoch) for each of them. This is a good time to review the quorum. Let’s assume that 2/3 of the committee needs to accept the proposal:

Create the governance action proposal:

cardano-cli conway governance action update-committee \
--testnet \
--governance-action-deposit $(cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r '.currentPParams.govActionDeposit') \
--deposit-return-stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
--anchor-url \
--anchor-data-hash 931f1d8cdfdc82050bd2baadfe384df8bf99b00e36cb12bfb8795beab3ac7fe5 \
--add-cc-cold-verification-key-hash 89181f26b47c3d3b6b127df163b15b74b45bba7c3b7a1d185c05c2de \
--epoch 100 \
--add-cc-cold-verification-key-hash ea8738081fca0726f4e781f5e55fda05f8745432a5f8a8d09eb0b34b \
--epoch 95 \
--add-cc-cold-verification-key-hash 7f6721067362d4ae9ca73469fe983ce5572dad9028386100104b0da0 \
--epoch 90 \
--threshold 2/3 \
--out-file update-committee.action
  • Note: If there is a previously enacted governance action to update the committee, the proposal must also include --prev-governance-action-tx-id and --prev-governance-action-index.

Update committee to remove an existing CC member:

Assume that you want to remove the CC member with the key hash 89181f26b47c3d3b6b127df163b15b74b45bba7c3b7a1d185c05c2de. You can do this with:

cardano-cli conway governance action update-committee \
--testnet \
--governance-action-deposit $(cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r '.currentPParams.govActionDeposit') \
--deposit-return-stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
--anchor-url \
--anchor-data-hash 931f1d8cdfdc82050bd2baadfe384df8bf99b00e36cb12bfb8795beab3ac7fe5 \
--remove-cc-cold-verification-key-hash 89181f26b47c3d3b6b127df163b15b74b45bba7c3b7a1d185c05c2de \
--threshold 1/2 \
--prev-governance-action-tx-id fe2c99fe6bc75a9666427163d51ae7dbf5a60df40135361b7bfd53ac6c7912ec \
--prev-governance-action-index 0 \
--out-file update-committee.action

Update committee to only change the threshold:

cardano-cli conway governance action update-committee \
--testnet \
--governance-action-deposit $(cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r '.currentPParams.govActionDeposit') \
--deposit-return-stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
--anchor-url \
--anchor-data-hash 931f1d8cdfdc82050bd2baadfe384df8bf99b00e36cb12bfb8795beab3ac7fe5 \
--threshold 60/100 \
--prev-governance-action-tx-id fe2c99fe6bc75a9666427163d51ae7dbf5a60df40135361b7bfd53ac6c7912ec \
--prev-governance-action-index 0 \
--out-file update-committee.action

Updating the constitution

This section describes how to propose a new constitution. Lets's use as an axample the interim constitution that is to be used on Mainnet. It is available in

Find the last enacted Constitution governance action

Find the last enacted governance action of this type, If the query returns null it means the current consitution (if it exists) is not enacted in a governance action, but instead supplied on the Conway genesis file.

cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r '.nextRatifyState.nextEnactState.prevGovActionIds.Constitution'

When the constitution has been enacted through a governance action, you will see the transaction ID and index of the proposing transaction, we will use this information later:

cardano-cli conway query gov-state | jq -r '.nextRatifyState.nextEnactState.prevGovActionIds.Constitution'
"govActionIx": 0,
"txId": "bf4832f443fe34f26f929ce2fbb26cc35ef4fda31150b2da45969a9bac4f7a8c"

Prepare the constiuttion anchor.

When proposing a new constitution, you are required to put it on a URL that is publicly accessible and, idealy, in some sort of persistent form. For example put it on IPFS, like the interim constitution

Now, download the file from the url:

wget -O constitution.txt

Get its hash, you can do it with blake2 or with cardano-cli:

b2sum -l 256 constitution.txt
a77245f63bc7504c6ce34383633729692388dc1823723b0ee9825743a87a6a6d constitution.txt


cardano-cli hash anchor-data --file-text constitution.txt

The guardrails script

The Guardrails script is soon to be open sourced, you will find it here:

Follow the instructions in the file to compile the PlutusV3 script. A successful compilation creates the 'compiled' directory containing the script in a text envelope.

cat compiled/guardrails-script.plutus 
"type": "PlutusScriptV3",
"description": "",
"cborHex": "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"

Now, get the script hash with:

cardano-cli hash script --script-file guardrails-script.plutus 

Create the proposal to update the constitution:

When there is no previously enacted constiutition:

cardano-cli conway governance action create-constitution \
--testnet \
--governance-action-deposit $(cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r '.currentPParams.govActionDeposit') \
--deposit-return-stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
--anchor-url \
--anchor-data-hash "9d99fbca260b2d77e6d3012204e1a8658f872637ae94cdb1d8a53f4369400aa9" \
--constitution-url \
--constitution-hash "a77245f63bc7504c6ce34383633729692388dc1823723b0ee9825743a87a6a6d" \
--constitution-script-hash "edcd84c10e36ae810dc50847477083069db796219b39ccde790484e0"

When there is a previously enacted constitution, we need to reference the previous governance action id (TXID and INDEX):

cardano-cli conway governance action create-constitution \
--testnet \
--governance-action-deposit $(cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r '.currentPParams.govActionDeposit') \
--deposit-return-stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
--anchor-url \
--anchor-data-hash 931f1d8cdfdc82050bd2baadfe384df8bf99b00e36cb12bfb8795beab3ac7fe5 \
--constitution-url \
--constitution-hash "a77245f63bc7504c6ce34383633729692388dc1823723b0ee9825743a87a6a6d" \
--constitution-script-hash "edcd84c10e36ae810dc50847477083069db796219b39ccde790484e0" \
--prev-governance-action-tx-id "bf4832f443fe34f26f929ce2fbb26cc35ef4fda31150b2da45969a9bac4f7a8c" \
--prev-governance-action-index 0 \
--out-file constitution.action

From here, you just need to submit the proposal in a transaction

Should you decide to propose an update to the SanchoNet constitution, please note that all rules and principles outlined for SanchoNet should be fictional and unrelated to the actual rules on the Cardano blockchain. Quotes directly from Don Quixote are encouraged, as well as rules in a similar spirit that aren't directly extracted from the book. SanchoNet is not the space for serious discussions about the future governance of Cardano. For substantial conversations, please visit the dedicated forum to explore the weighty matters of Cardano's constitution with the depth they deserve. Cardano Forum

Motion of no confidence

  • Find the last governance action enacted of this type:
cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r '.nextRatifyState.nextEnactState.prevGovActionIds.Committee'
"govActionIx": 0,
"txId": "fe2c99fe6bc75a9666427163d51ae7dbf5a60df40135361b7bfd53ac6c7912ec"

Create a no-confidence governance action:

cardano-cli conway governance action create-no-confidence \
--testnet \
--governance-action-deposit $(cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r '.currentPParams.govActionDeposit') \
--deposit-return-stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
--anchor-url \
--anchor-data-hash 931f1d8cdfdc82050bd2baadfe384df8bf99b00e36cb12bfb8795beab3ac7fe5 \
--prev-governance-action-tx-id fe2c99fe6bc75a9666427163d51ae7dbf5a60df40135361b7bfd53ac6c7912ec \
--prev-governance-action-index 0 \
--out-file no-confidence.action

Treasury withdrawal

In addition to the stake credential required to obtain a deposit refund, the proposer must also furnish stake credentials for receiving funds from the treasury in the event that the governance action is approved.

Also, treasury withdrawals must reference the Guardrails script.

Create the treasury withdrawal proposal:

cardano-cli conway governance action create-treasury-withdrawal \
--testnet \
--governance-action-deposit $(cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r '.currentPParams.govActionDeposit') \
--deposit-return-stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
--anchor-url \
--anchor-data-hash 931f1d8cdfdc82050bd2baadfe384df8bf99b00e36cb12bfb8795beab3ac7fe5 \
--funds-receiving-stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
--constitution-script-hash "edcd84c10e36ae810dc50847477083069db796219b39ccde790484e0" \
--transfer 50000000000 \
--out-file treasury.action
  • Note that you do not need to provide any previous governance action ID on treasury withdrawals.


Create the 'info' governance action:

cardano-cli conway governance action create-info --testnet \
--governance-action-deposit $(cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r '.currentPParams.govActionDeposit') \
--deposit-return-stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
--anchor-url \
--anchor-data-hash 931f1d8cdfdc82050bd2baadfe384df8bf99b00e36cb12bfb8795beab3ac7fe5 \
--out-file info.action

Update protocol parameters

When updating protocol parameters, you must reference the Guardrails script. This reference is not automatically inferred because, actions can be created off-line so the cli may not have access to a node, and also because a governance action may be submitted in advance, anticipating that a new Guardrails script will be ratified and enacted during the proposal's lifespan.

cardano-cli conway governance action create-protocol-parameters-update \
--testnet \
--governance-action-deposit $(cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 | jq -r '.currentPParams.govActionDeposit') \
--deposit-return-stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey \
--anchor-url \
--anchor-data-hash 931f1d8cdfdc82050bd2baadfe384df8bf99b00e36cb12bfb8795beab3ac7fe5 \
--constitution-script-hash "edcd84c10e36ae810dc50847477083069db796219b39ccde790484e0" \
--key-reg-deposit-amt 1000000 \
--out-file pp-update.action
  • Note: If there is a previously enacted governance action to update the protocol parameters, the proposal must also include --prev-governance-action-tx-id and --prev-governance-action-index.

Continue with build, sign and submit the transactions

Submitting the action file in a transaction

Submitting the *.action file to the blockchain is the essential step in bringing your proposal to life and making it accessible for the community to participate in the voting process. This process essentially transforms your proposal from a conceptual idea into an actionable item. Once submitted, it becomes part of the public ledger, while also allowing members of the governance bodies to review, discuss, and ultimately cast their votes on its approval or rejection.

  • Note that you can also use build-raw and calculate-min-fee to build transactions in an off-line settting. The example below uses the convenient build:
cardano-cli conway transaction build \
--testnet-magic 4 \
--tx-in "$(cardano-cli query utxo --address "$(cat payment.addr)" --testnet-magic 4 --out-file /dev/stdout | jq -r 'keys[0]')" \
--change-address $(cat payment.addr) \
--proposal-file info.action \
--out-file tx.raw
cardano-cli conway transaction sign \
--testnet-magic 4 \
--tx-body-file tx.raw \
--signing-key-file payment.skey \
--out-file tx.signed
cardano-cli conway transaction submit \
--testnet-magic 4 \
--tx-file tx.signed

Submitting a treasury-withdrawal and protocol-parameter-update governance action


This transaction will pay the governance action deposit and fee, in addition, we must supply a collateral since we will be running a plutus script: the guardrails script.


At the time of writing this tutorial, the build command has a bug that causes it to underestimate the execution units. For now we will use build-raw instead.

Query the utxos of our address:

cardano-cli conway query utxo --address $(cat payment.addr)
TxHash TxIx Amount
0a2d91bcc0775581594f49eb9709108aa8b75c9f59e77774868462d8251c6b31 0 149999600000 lovelace + TxOutDatumNone
1fa4fd83daf44c6cc2db9abd495306568b5f64b28296d4e55958bee3d9b4f90e 1 50816371 lovelace + TxOutDatumNone
c925e0e4b83f5f36b3950f4e940f59632f9589cd9bcae4a071878a54d455a47e 0 49999690803 lovelace + TxOutDatumNone

Balance the transaction:

We will use build-raw, this means we need to balance the transaction manually, in other words, we need to calculate the change of the transaction ourselves so that inputs = outputs.

Get the value of the UTxO at index 0 (first UTxO). This will be our input (--tx-in) for the transaction.

utxo_value=$(cardano-cli conway query utxo --address "$(cat payment.addr)" --output-json | jq '.[keys[0]].value.lovelace')

We'll need to deduct the fee. For simplicity let's set the fee on 500000 lovelace:


We need to take the governance action deposit into account:

govActDeposit=$(cardano-cli conway query gov-state | jq -r .currentPParams.govActionDeposit)

Now we can calculate the change of the transaction. Later, we will use $change in the transaction output (--tx-out).

change=$(($utxo_value - $fee - $govActDeposit))

Build, sign and submit the transaction

When building the transaction, we include the *.action file and supply the guardrails script with --proposal-script-file. Note that the guardrails script does not require a datum to be passed.

cardano-cli conway transaction build-raw \
--proposal-script-file guardrails-script.plutus \
--tx-in-collateral "$(cardano-cli query utxo --address "$(cat payment.addr)" --output-json | jq -r 'keys[1]')" \
--proposal-redeemer-value {} \
--proposal-execution-units "(119000000, 555000)" \
--tx-in "$(cardano-cli query utxo --address "$(cat payment.addr)" --output-json | jq -r 'keys[0]')" \
--tx-out "$(cat payment.addr)+$change" \
--fee "$fee" \
--protocol-params-file pparams.json \
--proposal-file pparams.action \
--out-file pparams-tx.raw

This example uses the second UTxO (Index 1) of payment.addr as collateral: $( ...--output-json | jq -r 'keys[1]'). Adjust the command so that it accomodates to your needs and preferences of utxos to use.

We sign the transaction only with payment.skey since we are using the same for fees and collateral:

cardano-cli conway transaction sign \
--tx-file pparams-tx.raw \
--signing-key-file payment.skey \
--out-file pparams-tx.signed

And submit it to the chain with:

cardano-cli conway transaction submit \
--tx-file pparams-tx.signed

Finding the governance action ID of your proposal

You may want to find your governance action ID to share it with others on Discord1 and seek their support. The transaction ID and the index of the transaction that submitted the proposal serve as the action ID. An effective way to find your governance action ID is by querying the governance state and filtering by (the proposer) stake key hash.

First, find your key hash with:

cardano-cli conway stake-address key-hash --stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey


Use jq to filter the gov-state output by the stake key hash. The output contains all the relevant information about your governance actions, including actionId:

cardano-cli conway query gov-state --testnet-magic 4 \
| jq -r --arg keyHash "8e0debc9fdc6c616ac40d98bf3950b436895eea9cccf0396a6e5e12b" '.proposals | to_entries[] | select(.value.returnAddr.credential.keyHash | contains($keyHash)) | .value'
"action": {
"contents": [
"credential": {
"keyHash": "7249a71391f08399f06b492eae7892a33191699625cff50b7dee55c6"
"network": "Testnet"
"tag": "TreasuryWithdrawals"
"actionId": {
"govActionIx": 0,
"txId": "4fcd92abf2ce3d6796c5fae51ea83d563ca8611359c9624fd1cecd7fa1ce71cc"
"committeeVotes": {
"keyHash-23e05ad2b71317a6348ce4b68dae37aa1c0e545cdea740b23c21742e": "VoteNo",
"keyHash-540bedcd4bdcbf523e899c3ef43f2b96ecec4f6303af58d15a413ed1": "VoteYes",
"keyHash-6c1d098a366f2274651943a7f778b3b5459c129f0407a0db2902253a": "VoteYes"
"dRepVotes": {
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