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Compile the guardrail script

How to compile the guardrail script from source

To compile the current version of the guardrail script yourself, you first have to clone the plutus repository

git clone
cd plutus

Next we check out the version of plutus and enter a nix development shell via

git checkout
nix develop

We then create a file cabal.project.local to override some dependencies as a hotfix (there is a circular dependency otherwise).

cat <<EOF > cabal.project.local
allow-newer: *:plutus-ledger-api
allow-newer: *:prettyprinter-configurable

Next, we open in a text editor the file cardano-constitution/cardano-constitution.cabal and delete line 134 that reads buildable: False via

sed -i '134d' cardano-constitution/cardano-constitution.cabal

Next, we can build the script via

cabal update
cabal run cardano-constitution:create-json-envelope -- guardrail.plutus

You can get the hash of this just compiled script via, for example

cardano-cli transaction policyid --script-file guardrail.plutus

And compare it to the one currently defined here.