Join the community
- Join the IOG Discord community:
- Complete the captcha verification
- In #start-here, select 'Join the SanchoNet Community'
The 'Voltaire' category, containing SanchoNet channels, will appear. You can enter these channels and join the discussion or just follow along!
SanchoNet Discord channels
The SanchoNet channels include the following:
- #announcements for updates about SanchoNet
- #spo-sanchonet for SPO discussion
- #drep-sanchonet for DRep discussion
- #builder-sanchonet for discussion of SanchoNet community tooling and infrastructure projects
- #wallets-sanchonet for wallet discussions, SanchoNet and CIP-95
- #govtool-sanchonet for discussion of Sancho GovTool beta
- #live-sancho for live sancho calls