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Participation Requirements

Participants Requirements

All participants should hold ada to participate as DReps. Participation in this training does not ensure that participants will be accepted as DReps by the Cardano community.

Participants Preliminary Knowledge

To successfully complete this training, participants should:

  • Understand how the Cardano blockchain works.
  • Be familiar with Cardano wallets and how they work.

Participants Preparation

To participate in the training, participants should have the following:

  • Any of the following web browsers: Google Chrome, Brave, or Microsoft Edge.
  • A CIP-95 capable wallet with an active address. The list of compatible wallets can be found here.
  • A reliable internet connection, if you are attending the DRep training online.

Instructor Requirements

All instructors should have participated in the DRep Pioneers Programs and completed the corresponding training. All instructors are required to join as DReps in the Cardano Governance structure.

Instructor Preparation

This training is designed as a six-hour course that can be offered online or in person. Instructors should consider additional time for breaks and meals.

General Considerations

Regardless of the type of training, online or in person, we encourage you to consider the following:

  • Promote the training session on your social media, write a blog post on your personal or professional website, or contribute to Essential Cardano; you can learn more about it at this link.
  • When promoting your training session, create a registration form to gather participants' information and kindly ask if they would like to receive news and further steps after the training.
  • Maintain a visible and active presence throughout the session to foster community and participant connection. Use inclusive language and acknowledge contributions from all participants to create a supportive learning environment.
  • As an instructor, you should be prepared to adapt your teaching style and approach based on the participants' needs and preferences. You should also be flexible, responsive to feedback, and willing to modify the lesson plan or activities to accommodate different learning styles and abilities.
  • Optionally, take pictures and record videos from your training session for your records and future session promotion. It’s vital to ask for explicit consent from participants to appear in the pictures and videos. You can ask for it in the registration form.
  • After the session, use the provided form to solicit participant feedback to identify strengths and areas for improvement. Use this feedback to refine future sessions and adapt your approach to meet your audience's needs better.

Considerations for Online Training Sessions

To provide a thriving online session, please take into consideration the following:

  • Use a reliable internet connection. A wired connection is highly recommended to reduce the risk of signal loss.
  • Choose an appropriate videoconferencing or video streaming software and test it before the session.
  • Online classes can sometimes lead to reduced engagement compared to in-person sessions. Plan interactive activities, discussions, polls, and quizzes to keep participants engaged throughout the session. Encourage participation through the chat function or by using video or audio interactions.
  • Utilize visual aids such as slides, videos, live coding, and interactive whiteboards to enhance understanding and retention of the material. Ensure that visual aids are clear, relevant, and accessible to all participants.
  • Provide opportunities for participants to receive feedback on their progress and understanding of the material. Incorporate quizzes, polls, or short assignments to assess comprehension and reinforce key concepts.
  • Online classes may require extra time for technical troubleshooting or concept clarification. Plan additional time for these potential issues while ensuring the session stays on schedule. Break the session into manageable segments with built-in breaks to prevent participant fatigue.
  • Have a plan to address technical issues that may arise during the session. Depending on the software and tools you will use, designate a technical support staff member or provide troubleshooting resources for participants to resolve common issues independently.

Considerations for In-Person Training Sessions

To offer an engaging in-person training session, please consider the following:

  • Ensure that the physical classroom is conducive to learning. This includes adequate lighting, comfortable seating, proper ventilation, and appropriate room temperature. Arrange the furniture to promote interaction and engagement among participants.
  • Prepare all necessary materials and resources in advance, such as handouts, visual aids, and equipment. Ensure that all materials are easily accessible to participants and that any technology or equipment functions correctly in the classroom.
  • In an in-person setting, you can employ various engagement techniques to capture participants' attention and maintain their interest. These may include group discussions, hands-on activities, role-playing exercises, demonstrations, and interactive games.
  • Encourage active participation from participants by asking questions, soliciting opinions, and inviting them to share their experiences and insights. Foster a collaborative learning environment where participants feel comfortable expressing themselves and engaging with one another.
  • Prioritize the safety and well-being of participants by adhering to any relevant health and safety guidelines, such as maintaining physical distancing, wearing face masks, and sanitizing shared surfaces. Create a supportive and inclusive learning environment where participants feel respected, valued, and supported in their learning journey.