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DRep Pioneer Program Lesson Plan

Module 4: Joining the DReps Ecosystem

Activity 10: How to Become a DRep (60 min)

This is a hands-on activity in which participants will learn how to become a DRep through a demonstration.

As an instructor, you will lead participants using the GovTool to follow the required steps to join as a DRep.

The GovTool is currently being updated, so stay tuned for updates on this activity to learn more about conducting the demonstration.

Activity 11: Engaging with the Community as a DRep (15 min)

Communication is crucial to becoming an impactful DRep, so in this activity, participants will learn the available communication channels and tools that DReps can use to engage with the Cardano Community.

In this section, showcase the current channels and tools available:

  • GovTool
  • DRep Campaign Platform
  • Cardano Forum
  • Social Media

Ensure participants understand how to use these resources before continuing to the next activity.