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DRep Pioneer Program Lesson Plan

Module 2: DRep Code of Conduct

Activity 7: Navigating the Code of Conduct (60 min)

This activity focuses on understanding the DRep’s code of conduct to understand the ethical principles and behavioral expectations outlined in the Code of Conduct for DReps, focusing on guarding against malicious behavior.

For this activity, explain to participants that they will work in groups to analyze and discuss the code of conduct.

Divide participants into small groups of 3-5 members each and provide participants access to the DRep Code of Conduct. In an online session, you can create groups using breakout rooms in Google Meet or Zoom. Also, if you are conducting an in-person session, you can provide paper copies of this document.

Before having the groups discuss the code of conduct, explain the following instructions:

  1. Explain the objective of the activity: to analyze the Code of Conduct and identify fundamental ethical principles and behavioral expectations that guard against malicious behavior from DReps.
  2. Allocate 15 minutes for each group to read the Code of Conduct and discuss its contents. Encourage participants to highlight any sections that they find particularly relevant to prevent malicious behavior.
  3. After the reading period, provide each group with flipchart paper and markers. You can use a shared online document, such as Google Docs, for online sessions.
  4. Instruct groups to visually represent the fundamental ethical principles and behavioral expectations identified in the Code of Conduct. They can use diagrams, charts, or illustrations to depict these concepts.
  5. Encourage groups to discuss and debate their interpretations of the Code of Conduct, considering different perspectives and potential scenarios where ethical principles may be tested.
  6. Allocate 20 minutes for groups to work on their visual representations.
  7. After the allotted time, ask each group to present their visual representation to the rest of the class. Allow time for questions and discussion following each presentation.
  8. Facilitate a whole-group discussion on the insights gained from the activity. Prompt participants to reflect on the importance of ethical behavior in preventing malicious actions by DReps and how the Code of Conduct serves as a guide for upholding these standards.
  9. Conclude the activity by emphasizing the role of DReps in promoting a culture of integrity and accountability.

Thank participants for their engagement and participation in the activity. Before proceeding to the next activity, ensure there are no pending questions.